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Student #9 Testimonial - "My Stomach Growling" 

Student: "Hi. I am currently a second year student at PCC and food insecurity to me is not having or getting enough food for your body which effects you tons. I would say that I am food insecure. There are multiple days of the week where I have 12 hour days. I have to get up and leave in like 10 minutes, I don’t have time to pack food, I can’t really even afford food. PCC has no programs for free food so I don’t even eat until after work… and only if I decide I have time to give up some homework time. If I decide that I will go to my aunts and eat. The food at PCC is not cheap and as a broke college kid with no time, I don’t eat because of it. And all of this makes my life so hard because I go to school so tired and so hungry and I just sit in class holding on to my  stomach in attempt to stop it from growling."  

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