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Student #12 Testimonial - "Lost 16 lbs This Term" 

Student: "So, um, when I first started going to PCC, um--I'm a student, and I also work here in the Environmental Center, and when I first started taking classes, I was a full time student, and I didn't really realize what that entailed. And so, um, it was hard for me to kinda conceptualize all of the work that would be put on me. And so, um, I was doing all the work, getting good grades, but I wasn't eating, and I wasn't, um--I didn't have the. . .I didn't know of any resources, also: I don't really know at what point I began, um, accumulating resources through PCC; I think I just sort of stumbled upon certain resources, but there was a good chunk of time where I was definitely under-resourced and undernourished and I wound up losing sixteen pounds over one term, and have since then struggled to gain the weight back, and it's been this pretty turbulent experience through every term.


Nowadays, I'm doing okay, I'm--I'm a part time student now. I know now that I cannot be full-time, which is unfortunate because statistically, those who become part-time, it's--they don't typically graduate; your chance of graduating is less; I don't really know why. Um, but yeah, I--yeah: Part time student now, and it's definitely a lot easier to find time for food, and I'm able to, like, actually utilize the resources, cause I have the energy to do so, um. But I also feel like I'm not doing enough, I feel like my workload isn't enough, I feel like there's all these things that come with that that I didn't expect, a lot of like, feeling, I guess, I dunno; I keep using the term 'Imposter Syndrome', like nothing I do counts sort of a feeling, which is unfortunate. I dunno, I think that's something I always dealt with but I think it's been exacerbated since, like, taking on less, and so I think that--cause there's so many expectations on campus, right? Or just in general; in life, I guess."

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