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Student #13 Testimonial - "Didn't Have A House" 

Student: "I don't know if I would say I'm food insecure right now, because I do get help from my grandma to pay for my expenses, and I do work and I do, you know, have savings, so I could afford to buy more food, but I still don't; I think that's just because I'm--I like to be cheap, and frugal. But I definitely have been food insecure before, when I was younger. Um, yeah, I grew up with, uh, my mom, who was a single mom, and there was definitely a lot of times when we didn't have food in the house, but also a lot times when we didn't have a house, so that definitely is connected. And now, I'm definitely a lot more well off, like, I don't--I'm not super-duper stressed, like, I can always go get something if I need to, but. But yeah, when I was younger, like, when I was living with my mom, when we were living in her--sleeping on the floor in her friends--friends' houses or with my aunt, um; at some point she was on the street, but, uh, I was able to live with another family member, so I was never sleeping on the street or anything, which I'm very lucky. I feel like I do get enough food, and if I don't it's just kind of my own fault at this point because, like, I could just go grocery shopping but I'm just, like, lazy.


It's hard. Well I think--I dunno, students I think it's impossible to be lazy with all of like, with our workload, it's sort of like--like even when we're procrastinating it's sort of just like, I mean, we're just taking that time we need to recoup from whatever, you know? People need, like, downtime, and we can't always be go-go-going even though that so is--that's what is expected, almost. Um, I think it's good, too, uh, that you mentioned that your mother--you were living with your mother who was single, cause I think there's a lot of single mothers on campus."

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